The UK’s next property hotspots: where to invest in 2021 and beyond
Property investors looking to maximise their profit will still find plenty of value in the UK’s largest cities, according to Select Property Group.
Select Property Group’s new ranking looks at areas with high projected Gross Value Added (GVA) and ranks their investment potential according to stats like rental dwellings growth, employment rates, number of start-ups and property value.
Southampton takes the top spot in the list of 20 locations, which also includes major cities such as Manchester, Outer London and Liverpool, along with some smaller cities like Bradford and Exeter. Select Property Group ranked Southampton top of the chart thanks to a steadily growing employment rate and robust business scene.
Overall, the list shows that urban areas continue to represent hugely lucrative opportunities for rental investors. The proverbial North/South divide proved to have little impact on the list, as England’s northern and southern regions boast eight hotspots each, with the Midlands adding a further four.
“The UK’s major cities have long presented some of the strongest opportunities for property investors, and our findings suggest that this remains true today, as our metropolises provide promising GVA, significant population growth and excellent business prospects,” says Adam Price, CEO of Select Property Group.
“As the UK economy bounces back after the pandemic, investing in areas that have scope to grow in terms of population, employment and GVA will be key for securing the best ROI. Cities with excellent commuter links outside of London, or those with growing digital industries like Manchester will always be attractive to renters, meaning property investors can still find excellent value and opportunities in the right areas.”
You can view Select Property Group’s Property Hotspots ranking in full here: