The importance of HIPAA-compliant faxing in healthcare security
Fax machines began to revolutionize the world of communication when they were introduced back in the 1960s. By the 1980s, they were almost as common in businesses as printers and telephones. From that point on, they continuously became more functional, affordable, and user-friendly. Along the way, computers became mainstream, and the internet took hold. At that point, many people thought that faxing would become obsolete. Though the conventional fax machine is heading in that direction, cloud-based fax solutions have kept faxing just as crucial as it was in the past.
Several industries continue to use fax to transmit documents. This form of communication is highly common in the legal realm. It’s also popular in real estate and the financial sector. Of course, it’s widely used in healthcare as well. HIPAA compliant cloud faxing is essential in healthcare security for a variety of reasons.
Heightened privacy and safety
Heightened privacy and safety are among the features that make cloud faxing immeasurably valuable in healthcare security. Cloud-based faxing in general is highly touted for its advanced security, but not all business fax solutions are HIPAA compliant. Those that adhere to HIPAA regulations have even more measures in place to protect people’s personal information and medical records. They use multiple levels of encryption, two-factor authentication, stringent access controls, and other features to ensure sensitive information is safeguarded throughout the transmission process.
Furthermore, HIPAA laws dictate that fax machines used to transmit sensitive information must be kept in areas where the general public can’t see or tamper with them. That can be difficult with conventional fax machines. Since cloud-based faxing doesn’t require external machines, they make complying with those regulations much simpler and more effective. When used in tandem with access control measures and other security features, it can help to ensure that patients’ information doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
Instant transmission and storage
HIPAA laws run deeper than transmitting faxes over secure platforms. They also apply to storing sensitive data and protecting people’s privacy and security during those moments immediately before and after faxes are sent. Information is particularly vulnerable at those points in its timeline, but HIPAA-compliant fax solutions help to prevent data breaches from those angles. Rather than keeping information in a potentially unsafe holding area or allowing for delays between transmission and receipt, they instantly and securely send and store documents.
Instant confirmation and audit trails
Per HIPAA regulations, healthcare facilities must get confirmation that intended recipients actually receive the documents they send. Cloud-based fax solutions provide that confirmation. They also provide audit trails for healthcare facilities and other authorities to access as needed. Audit trails allow users to track all activity related to the faxes they send and receive. That, in turn, serves as proof that they’re adhering to HIPAA regulations and gives them ways to detect potential data breaches and react quickly to them should they arise.
Remaining in compliance without sacrificing the benefits of faxing
Faxing is an essential means of communication for healthcare facilities and businesses in many other industries. Each industry has its own regulations pertaining to the storage and transmission of sensitive information. Those that apply to the healthcare sector are particularly stringent.
As such, HIPAA-compliant fax solutions are essential. They help to protect people’s medical information and personal data before, during, and after transmission to safeguard them against theft, identity fraud, damage to their reputation, and many other potential problems. They also keep medical facilities operating within the law and help them to maintain patients’ trust to name a few benefits.