Staycations look set to become ever more popular in the time of COVID-19

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Ever since COVID19 first emerged as a global problem towards the start of 2020, the world has never been the same. There is no facet of society that is not affected by the precautionary measures imposed by governments to prevent the spread of the COVID19 virus.
One of the worst affected industries is tourism. With restrictions in place in many countries preventing people from entering, and quarantine measures in place for returning travelers; leaving the country and jetting off to foreign lands does not seem like a luxury that we can all enjoy any time soon.
In addition to the limitations imposed by governments such as lockdowns, social distancing, and travel restrictions, the other factor that affects the tourism industry is the same one that will affect many other sectors; the downturn in the economy as a result of the global pandemic.
While doors are reopening slowly for many businesses that closed up due to the pandemic, there is still a great deal of uncertainty over what the future holds in terms of economic forecasts. And, with social distancing potentially in place for longer than the foreseeable future, recovery could take a long time.
So what does that mean for the tourism sector? One change that we’re likely to see is the rise of the staycation, as people flock to rediscover parts of their own country.
How has COVID 19 affected the travel sector
The OECD estimates that the travel and tourism sector will have declined by 60% in 2020 due to the COVID19 pandemic. If measures remain in place until December 2020, this could rise to as much as 80%.
The crisis has seen an already struggling travel sector plunge deeper into crisis. Prior to the start of lockdown measures in the UK, airline company; Flybe went under. This was only a few months after the collapse of holiday giants Thomas Cook for other reasons
It remains to be seen quite how the travel industry will weather under the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.
What is a staycation?
Staycation is a neat little portmanteau of the words ‘stay’ and ‘vacation’. Of course, nobody needs that pointing out to them. The term staycation first found its use in the 2009 banking crisis when the downturn in the economy forced many people to forgo overseas travel plans and stay home and explore their own surroundings.
For many people a staycation will involve staying in a hotel, caravan, or bed and breakfast in their own country; for others, it may mean staying in their own homes and taking day trips.
It could involve buying or leasing a camper van such as these ( and taking a break on the road closer to home.
Why get away now?
With the pandemic still very much in our minds and in the news, the world is still facing many challenges surrounding a return to normality. With this in mind, it begs the question, why do people still want to get away now?
With many workers being furloughed, having to work from home, or being made redundant, it would be easy to assume that nobody would be in a position where they wanted to take a holiday anytime soon.
While there is uncertainty in the air about the future, the last few months under restrictive lockdown will have paid its price on the mental health of the nation, and many people will be feeling restless and have cabin fever. Perhaps a break is exactly what is needed?
But with the economic problems that covid-19 has caused many people, it is clear that even if travel restrictions were not in place and borders were all open, overseas travel would still not be an option for many and we’d see the staycation being popular again for the same reason as it first became popular over a decade ago.
What are the psychologies driving a potential staycation boom?
Heading out to see the country that you live in is a great idea during the time of coronavirus. For many people, the pandemic has changed their perspective of the world around them. Many people talk about no longer taking things for granted anymore.
Previous travel restrictions and time on their hands have meant that many people have been forced to explore their own local areas. Being unable to go further afield, or distract themselves with shops, restaurants, bars, and other attractions have meant that people have had to spend more time outside in nature. Often, people have visited beauty spots on their own doorsteps for the first time in a great many years. And, suddenly when everything else is suddenly off-limits, it becomes easier to appreciate the things that the economy and social distancing cannot take away; the beauty of the world around us.
For many people, this has sparked a desire to go off and visit other places within easy grasp. The outside world has never seemed so popular with many people flocking in droves to beauty spots, beaches, and parks in record numbers.
What can you expect from a post-COVID staycation?
The easing of lockdown measures is a slow and tentative process that addresses certain sectors one-by-one. The various governments are working at their own pace in terms of unlocking the different aspects of society and business. There are now even localized lockdown measures in place. This means that there are different restrictions in place in different areas of the country.
Before you head off on your staycation, it is vital that you check the restrictions that are still in place in the areas that you are traveling to and traveling through. The last thing that you would want is to fall foul of any restrictions.
As the situation is fluid and evolving, it is important that you keep an eye on this information. Even while traveling, there may be changes made.
In some areas, pubs and restaurants may be open with restrictions. Many businesses have had to drastically change the way that they operate in order to meet with social distancing guidelines. For a number of businesses, the restrictions will mean that they can only operate a partial service, or will remain closed until measures are eased. Don’t assume that just because restrictions have been lifted, those businesses working in that sector will be open for business.
Do some research before you set off. Find places that you will be able to eat. Think about cooking as many meals for yourself as you can while you are away. If you are staying in a caravan or a camper, this will be ideal.
Due to concerns about the virus being spread on cash, a number of businesses will be operating a card-only service. This means that you should not assume that anywhere is taking cash. Always check ahead of your visit if you are in any doubt.
There may still be car parks and toilets that are closed in some areas. Check ahead of driving anywhere to ensure that you will be able to make use of any facilities.
The future of tourism after COVID-19
With no foreseeable end in sight to the restrictions that are in place, the staycation looks to be the best option for people wanting to get away and try and forget about the troubles of the last few months.
With plenty of beautiful places on our own doorstep, the staycation may even become popular again for many years yet to come.