Rachel Mackenzie returns to One Stop Business Finance to lead a new sales team
After an extended maternity leave, the popular and experienced business development director at One Stop Business Finance has returned to lead an expanded team that covers the north of the country.
Rachel Mackenzie is a key member of staff with the growing East Yorkshire-based firm that offers secured loans and invoice finance to clients around the UK.
She said: “Having been away from the business for two years having my beautiful boys, I am excited to be returning as business development director for the North.
“I am delighted to be working with a new team of highly skilled and approachable business development managers covering such a large geographic area.”
Rachel added: “As a team, I am confident we can provide the most friendly, flexible funding solutions to our clients.”
Her return coincides with the launch of a new invoice finance business – One Stop Invoice Finance led by managing director Lynn-Marie Jameson – and provides Rachel and her team with more opportunities to support businesses with their cash requirements.
Andrew Mackenzie, the group managing director of One Stop Business Finance, said: “These are exciting times for our family and our business.
“The arrival of our grandsons provides a perspective that life is not all about work, but also ensures a focus for the business to continue the path of profitable growth.”
He added: “Rachel’s return as business development director allows us to build a team of business development managers around her.
“Coupled with the introduction of our new invoice finance product, I am very confident of continued growth throughout the North of England.”