Personal health considerations spike in wake of COVID19 pandemic

Image by marijana1 from Pixabay
In the wake of the global COVID19 pandemic, much of the world is being faced with upheaval in one sense or another.
In addition to the comprehensive lockdowns and quarantine measures that have swept virtually every corner of the globe within the past six months, there have been significant signs suggesting that global workplace culture is set to undergo something of a transformation due to the reliance of many companies on remote working during this period.
Further to this, regulations and procedures are being hastily drafted and implemented around the world, in order to ensure that such a pandemic doesn’t have the same impact should it occur again in the near future.
Among all of these consequences of the pandemic, however, one of the most significant developments on a social level has been the spike in personal health considerations among broad swathes of the general population – in addition to an enhanced emphasis on health and sanitation initiatives on the part of businesses.
Here are some of the trends that seem set to accelerate and continue.
An investment in both commercial and personal sanitation equipment going forward
The market for both personal and commercial sanitation equipment has skyrocketed for understandable reasons during the period of the pandemic, with devices such as Fogging Disinfection Machines promising to be able to quickly eliminate traces of airborne contagions in closed public areas, thereby allowing businesses to resume operations more rapidly and sustainably, while simultaneously boosting customer trust.
The personal market for such devices has likewise spiked significantly and seems set to continue to do so. In the wake of the media spectacle of many developed nations struggling to manage with their overburdened health care infrastructure, an increasing number of members of the general public are seeing fit to take the matter of sanitation and disease prevention into their own hands.
This presents an excellent opportunity for any company selling products and devices ranging from things like cleansing wipes, to air purifying systems, to CPAP machines.
In the midst of great global uncertainty and distress, this is an industry that nonetheless seems ripe for growth and opportunity during this period.
A renewed public call for tightened hygiene regulation in workplaces and restaurants
While it has always been a latent public concern to know that a given restaurant or workplace was abiding by existing hygiene regulations, there has now been a renewed public call for enhanced hygiene regulations per se, in workplaces, restaurants, and other public areas.
Alongside this call for enhanced hygiene regulations has come a general shift in public expectations. Businesses that are unable or unwilling to adapt seem set to fall foul of both new legislation, and also rapidly shifting consumer demands.
In light of this, it seems wise for any company with an interest in maintaining good public relations and ensuring good ethical practices, to invest in features such as hand sanitiser pumps at entrances and exits, no-contact bathroom taps and dryers, air filtration systems, and more.
A resurgence of interest in physical fitness and outdoor recreation in particular
For many people, it has become increasingly apparent that physical exercise – in addition to nutrition, good sleep, and other conventional health and wellness habits – is something that should be viewed as integral, rather than optional.
For many, this message has been underscored by the relative inaccessibility of gyms and conventional avenues for physical training.
A major consequence of this seems to be a great resurgence of interest in physical fitness and recreation in an outdoor context specifically – particularly as outdoor environments allow for greater social distancing and avoidance of potential vectors of infection.
A spike in the popularity of the alternative health industry
With concerns about health and wellness growing significantly in recent times, for obvious reasons, the alternative health industry has enjoyed a major boom in popularity – and seems set to do so for the foreseeable future.
Conventional medicines and medical interventions are known to be very effective in particular situations, but are also generally unsustainable as a preventative measure, in addition to having significant cost implications in many cases, and coming with an assortment of undesirable side effects.
Alternative health interventions show some promise, and are much more sustainable over the long term. Reports on the important role of vitamin D in mitigating the effects of the virus have been particularly encouraging.