LendInvest adds 3.69% pay rate product to its buy-to-let suite for limited companies
LendInvest, the UK’s leading platform for property finance, has added a new pay rate product to its buy-to-let range for limited companies and special purpose vehicles.
LendInvest has launched a new exclusive 5-year fixed pay rate product that stresses at 3.69% for limited company landlords.
This is the latest in a series of wide ranging updates to LendInvest’s buy-to-let product suite, including raising its LTV and maximum loan limits, and broadening its lending criteria to include first-time landlords and student lets.
The lender is now offering 80% LTV products on standard properties, with a maximum loan size of £500,000, and increased its maximum loan size for standard properties to £1.5m.
Customers are also eligible for a £200 cashback on all applications where Open Banking is used.
Andy Virgo, director for buy-to-let at LendInvest, said: “ Professional landlords are speaking with their feet right now and the demand we have seen for our BTL proposition of late is illustrating exactly that.
Incentivised by the SDLT freeze, it’s clear that we can still do more to support our borrowers. The changes released today mars our commitment to assisting the UK’s professional landlords grow or incorporate their portfolios at this crucial juncture in time.“