How to grow your YouTube channel?
Do you want to learn how to grow your YouTube channel? These tips will help you do so.
1. Boost the channel by doing YouTube ads
At the start of my channel, I didn’t do any ads simply because my budget was too low to do so.
However, with my second channel, I’ve already set it up. Due to having another company that makes up part of the viewership of this channel, I now have enough money to run ads to boost the channel.
My reasoning for doing so is because the YouTube algorithm takes some time to figure out your channel and if it is good or not.
In the event that you’ve just started or intend to start a new YouTube channel, then you should know that YouTube will take some time to realize that you’re a good channel that people are actually paying attention to and looking at.
These are the reasons why:
The value of your channel is determined by the people who are actually watching your videos, the overall watch time as well as how long people are watching your videos for.
So, completely new channels don’t get views and as a result, YouTube won’t pay much attention because no one else is.
However, if you add paid ads to the equation, things change.
All you need to do is run some paid ads to 3 – 4 of your very best videos and you can use video discovery type ads for this.
It is best to start with $10 – $15 a day in ads and this will help your videos to be seen by your target audience.
This will definitely result in more people subscribing to your channel.
As your videos start to get more views, then they will likely start to show up naturally in YouTube before other videos. In addition to paid ads you can purchase cheap Youtube views to boost your views when you are starting out.
When you run more paid ads to your videos, then you will begin to get organic views on your new channel.
2. Take advantage of traffic sources that already exist
There are many different types of traffic sources such as Facebook pages and groups, blogs, YouTubers etc. Basically, there are definitely other people who are already discussing what you are discussing on your channel.
So, for example, if your channel is about financial advice, then you have to look at the thousands of other blogs, Youtubers etc that already discuss financial advice according to this site. You can actually reach out to the owners of these publications and ask them to promote your channel.
In another example, if you have a workout YouTube channel, there are also thousands of people, channels and groups that focus on fitness and workouts and they are literally in great need of that type of content to provide to their audience.
As a result, whenever you make videos, you should definitely find ways to leverage and use these pre-existing sources of traffic.
Make sure that when you create a new video that you spend as much time as possible to promote it. Basically, you can take an hour of time to contact as many as 20 relevant Facebook groups or pages. By contacting so many, you should get at least one that is willing to promote or share your video. This can easily result in many thousands of views with relatively little effort.
3. Always seek to improve your videos and don’t give up
Even though this advice may seem obvious, it is true. You should always be able to accept feedback on your work and videos so that you can know what is working and what isn’t.
Remember, the videos that you make are for your videos and not just for you.
As a result, make sure that you know what they want by actually listening.
You should also pay attention to how your viewers are actually responding to your videos.
For example, are there a lot of negative comments on a particular video?
Are there more likes than views on another video?
By keeping track of these things, you will see that there are particular topics that your audience likes and prefers. You should then create more videos on these topics. This is usually because it is a need that hasn’t been fulfilled by other channels and is a great opportunity for you.
Therefore, you have to keep going, learning and improving in order to see these opportunities and figure out what to do. Even when you feel like you don’t want to make another video, simply keep on getting in front of your camera and continue. By continuously putting in the work, even when you don’t feel like it, you will eventually be successful.