FCI 54th Annual Meeting 2022
Date: 19-23 June 2022
- Venue: InterContinental the Willard 1401 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC, USA
This year’s theme of FCI’s 54th Annual Meeting will be: A changing Economic, Environmental & Trade Landscape: How will the Receivables and Supply Chain Finance industry cope?
Washington D.C. was chosen as the venue for this Annual Meeting, in part due to the historical importance the United States has played as the first country to launch what is referred to as the modern era of factoring dating back to 1814. But it was also chosen due to its political prominence as a leading global power, its majestic beauty and cultural prominence. The conference hotel, The Willard InterContinental is centrally located less than two blocks from the White House. We are preparing a special agenda with an exciting list of speakers and have made more time for bilateral meetings, all located in a very historic, unique and beautiful setting.
This Annual Meeting will focus on the impact of the changing economic landscape with the rise in inflation and interest rates. It will also cover such themes as:
- digitalization and changes in regulations and accounting requirements
- the rise of FinTech’s and the Distribution of Capital and Liquidity in Receivables Finance
- the risk of Fraudulent Activity in Receivables Finance
- the impact of a degrading environment, changes in the workplace stemming from the Pandemic, and the evolution of women and youth in a male-dominated work society
- the role of Advocacy including issues like the change in the definition of default in the EU
- the effects of the implementation of Basel III rules and new questions relating to the role credit insurance will play as an enabler of risk mitigation
- the elimination of LIBOR and the implementation of new overnight risk-free reference rates
- and lastly the current state of the development of the model law on factoring by the UNIDROIT, a project fully endorsed and supported by FCI
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