Employees reveal what makes them most unhappy at work
Employees are what keep their company’s pockets lined, but employers don’t always treat them as well as they should. Here are some of the reasons people report for being unhappy at work.
No flexibility

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Flexibility is important. Many employees will have childcare commitments and other things going on in their lives meaning rigid working hours aren’t suitable and are generally something that most of us dislike when it comes to our jobs. There are lots of ways you can stay productive and still give workers flexiblity these days, such as letting them work from home. Home workers tend to be happier and take less sick days which is something that benefits both you as the boss and them. Without a long commute, rigid working hours and being stuck in an uncomfortable chair all day, it’s no longer that people are happier working from home rather than a traditional workplace. Consider letting those who can work at home have the option to do so, even if it’s only on some days a week.
Poor surroundings
This could be a workplace that’s too hot or too cold, too dim, too brightly lit, or badly decorated. As humans we’re hugely affected by our surroundings, and so making sure they’re up to scratch will benefit your workers. You could look into architectural services to make improvements to the building, or a professional decorating company. Have the place professionally cleaned regularly too, these things make all the difference.
A boss that doesn’t listen
Research has shown that a tough boss doesn’t make people work harder. It just equates to more stress, which in many cases doesn’t allow staff to do their best work. If you have the kind of boss that listens to any concerns and is sympathetic while remaining professional, you’re much more likely to be happier in the workplace.
No employee benefits
Wages are the most important thing to employees. Of course, jobs should be more than just about money, people need to be able to find something enjoyable or rewarding in what they do. But it’s money which is the main motivation, it’s why people go to work- because they have bills to pay. On top of this, employee benefits are what keep people in their jobs as they help them to feel secure. Dental, medical and retirement plans are all things that make a worker feel valued and less likely to seek another company to work with.
No training or education
Feeling stuck in a dead end job where you’re going to waste is one of the worst things about many job roles. One of the best things companies can do to combat this is create a system within the workplace where people are able to get promoted internally as time goes on. This means they get the satisfaction of improving as they work and there are always have skilled people to move through the job ranks as senior staff members leave.