Banking sector takes the customer experience lead
Senior-level customer experience position now in place at 79% of UK banks reveals new report from Mando Group
Over three-quarters of UK banks now employ a senior-level customer experience professional, more than any other sector. This is a key finding of a new report from user experience experts Mando Group.
The new report, titled, Are You Experienced?, shines a light on the rise of customer experience as a key strategy for leading firms across all sectors. Mando Group investigated the top 20 firms across a variety of consumer-facing sectors to establish whether these leading players employed a senior customer experience professional. The banking sector (79%) and telecoms (78%) emerge as the Customer Experience front-runners, with the retail sector – both traditional and pureplay etail – showing surprisingly as laggards.
Jonathan Seal, strategic director, Mando Group comments: “The challenge for today’s businesses is to provide a consistent and compelling user experience across all devices, and for that service to be available around the clock. In answer to this challenge, the report shows that UK businesses are placing customer experience at the core of strategic decision-making. Indeed, in sectors such as banking, the user interface is becoming the product – the key differentiator.
“As the report states, these are challenging times for banking. The reputation of the industry has taken a battering in recent years and it is clear that the sector is fighting back with a determined focus on the customer experience.
“The findings, and the resulting report, make for essential reading for all businesses looking to drive loyalty and customer satisfaction.”