Building the pipeline of women entrepreneurs in STEM and construction
The UK government commissioned Alison Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship highlighted that women entrepreneurs are underrepresented in the most productive sectors of the UK economy, and that female entrepreneurship could add a further £250bn to the UK economy.
The Review recommends that encouraging young women to study science, technology, engineering & mathematics i.e. STEM subjects, is key to increasing female start-up rates in those sectors.
Women still make up a minority of the STEM workforce. It is widely accepted that the lack of visible female role models in the STEM industry contributes to the low number of females taking up STEM related careers.
The Inspirational Women in STEM and Construction Campaign set up by Roni Savage with support from Natwest, Amazon and FSB, is an opportunity to identify inspirational female business owners in STEM and Construction, to act as role models to the future generations and challenge the status quo.
The nominee longlist includes over 70 include incredible women such as Sarra Hawes of Hawes Construction Group, Sophie Carr of Bays Consulting, Lucy Hall of Avvison Media, Charlene Campbell of Green Tea Architects, Stephanie Macdonald of 6a Architects, Rianne Scott of Oracle Solutions, Catherine Barratt of BAMUK Group, Flavilla Fongang of 3coloursrule, Alexandra Knight of StemasingKids, Cynthia Davis of, Paulette Watson of Academy Achievers, Hollie Whittles of Purple Frog Systems and many others.
The final shortlist who will be announced at a celebration at the House of Lords in June 2023, will be encouraged to each mentor at least one of the young people who will be invited to the event.
Roni Savage, founder and CEO of Jomas Associates, an Engineering and Environmental Company serving the construction industry says “I am really excited about this campaign to identify other business women who have set up businesses in science, technology, engineering, maths and construction, and the opportunity it brings to the next generation of women who will be mentored by them. By doing this, we hope to build a stronger pipeline which will boost our economy and empower others to challenge the status quo.”
According to Laura Capper head of construction and manufacturing at Natwest “Empowering women in STEM and construction isn’t just about breaking gender barriers; it’s about strengthening the foundation of progress. By embracing diversity and inclusivity, we unlock a wealth of talent, creativity, and innovation that boosts the economy and propels the industry forward. Addressing existing underrepresentation can bring fresh perspectives, skillsets, and expertise, enriching teams and projects with their unique contributions building a future that is not only equitable but also built to last. The 2019 Rose Review demonstrated that up to £250bn of new value could be added to the UK economy if women started and scaled new businesses at the same rate as UK men.”