8 reasons your business should sell products through Amazon
Amazon is undoubtedly the world’s top online marketplace today. It has millions of users who buy products regularly. If you want to sell products online, then Amazon can be a great platform to do so. Even if you have a traditional, bricks-and-mortar store, it can also be a great idea to sell your products through Amazon to reach a wider audience, perhaps a global one.
Here are some top reasons why your business should consider selling products through Amazon and embrace the digitalization trend that is taking the world by storm at the moment.
Low investment
When starting any business you need to have some kind of start-up capital. Even if you start an online business you need to pay to set up the website. On the other hand, when you sell your products through Amazon there is no such investment. You can start an Amazon-based business with very little initial investment, and gradually grow your business as the profits start to flow in.
Huge customer base
You won’t find an online marketplace that has more customers than Amazon. When you use this platform to do business, you will have access to a huge pool of potential customers who may want to buy your products. And of course, more customers means more sales and more revenue. Attracting potential customers can involve a lot of time and effort, not to mention financial investment, but on Amazon these customers are already at your fingertips.
Brand recognition
Most people have heard about Amazon. If you sell through Amazon, this already inspires a level of trust in potential customers. The good reputation Amazon has established over the years is a result of their consistent customer service and constant effort to improve the way they do business. People usually buy from Amazon because they believe in the brand. So, when you use Amazon as a platform to sell your products, people will be willing to buy from you.
Ease of doing business
Doing business through Amazon is very easy. The product pages are easily navigable and you can upload a picture or video of your product and even place testimonials on the page, which will encourage shoppers to buy your products. The ‘buy’ options are very simple and the price is clearly visible, all of which improves user experience for your customers. Apart from all this, Amazon offers various perks that make it easy to do business with them. The Amazon Prime program is a good example of this.
Strong infrastructure and continuous support
Amazon has a very strong back-end infrastructure that helps in selling so many types of products to customers virtually anywhere in the world. You will find useful features like inventory tracking, tax collection, payment processing, and more. All these are already available on Amazon so you won’t need to set them up for yourself. Amazon also provides continuous support to the sellers ,which in turn allows you to deliver better customer service to your clients. For example, they have an FBA program that allows sellers to ship and store their inventory in Amazon’s warehouse. As part of this program, Amazon not only provides the space to store your products but also handles everything related to sales. They ship the products to customers in different countries and take care of refunds, returns, and other issues.
Referral system
Amazon has a special algorithm that allows for recommended purchases and in turn encourages impulse buying. For example, a user may visit Amazon to buy a dress, but the shoes that you sell pop up on the screen. So, that customer may end up buying your shoes to go with the dress they purchased. Similarly, Amazon affiliates may mention your product in blog posts or social media posts, giving your store more exposure.
Payment options
Amazon offers several payment options that make international business easier. Payoneer is a good option as this can transfer money safely to sellers. At the same time, as Amazon offers a wide range of payment options, people feel more comfortable buying products on Amazon. The platform’s payment gateway is secure and has very few issues with fraud or cybercrime.
Excellent communication
Amazon is known for their high levels of communication with both the buyers and sellers. Amazon promotes new product listings on their emails and advertises seller stories. If a seller’s inventory is low or if they face any problem while doing business, Amazon will handle it.
Amazon promotes transparent business practices and helps you to earn your customers’ trust. By selling products through Amazon, you will not only have a different channel to sell your products, but you will earn brand recognition and will be able to easily increase your customer base. Consulting with an Amazon SEO services expert can also help to make your business visible to more prospective customers. In short, selling products through Amazon is a great decision for many businesses.