8 hints to boost productivity

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash
Running a business is hard work, especially if you are the owner and sole employee. It can be challenging to keep track of multiple responsibilities at once, but there are several simple ways that business owners can improve their time management skills.
Here are 8 hints for small business owners to boost their productivity:
1. Start your day with a plan
Schedule your day in 15-minute increments. This will allow you to evenly break down tasks into smaller chunks with an online booking system, so they don’t seem as daunting.
2. Learn your most productive work hours
Everyone works at their own pace, so being aware of when you are usually at your best can help save time in the long run. It is also important to understand what types of tasks benefit from working during these times.
3. Keep up with emails outside of “business hours.”
Many employees sign out of their inboxes during the day only to come back and find an overflowing backlog, but this can cause more stress than it’s worth when deadlines are involved! A good (and often underrated) way to increase productivity is to keep your email program open all day so you can receive and send messages whenever the time is right.
4. Work on projects outside of office hours
Not every task needs to be done during standard business hours. If you have a project that requires creativity or research, do not be afraid to work on it when inspiration strikes. It doesn’t matter if everyone else has gone home for the day – getting caught up on important work is always worth sacrificing some extra shut-eye.
5. Use your headphones/earbuds
Listening to music has proven to be a great way to help some people work through the tasks at hand. However, any small distraction can have a negative effect on your productivity, so consider turning up the volume if the task at hand is particularly monotonous.
6. Learn what you’re best at
If there are any specific tasks that cause stress or seem difficult, don’t be afraid to consult with experts in those fields. Knowing who to turn to for help will prove useful during crunch time when something needs to get done, and it will also prevent future projects from being overly stressful.
7. Change your scenery
Many business owners (and employees) spend hours upon hours working in front of their computer screens; this can make it harder to focus and stay productive. Try to change up your office space or work environment often, whether that means sitting outside on nice days or getting coffee at a different shop around the block. Being less comfortable can also boost productivity if it encourages you to return back to your desk more quickly.
8. Don’t try to do everything
It’s easy for business owners with multiple responsibilities to take on too much, but this can lead to stress and lack of motivation which are both bad things for improving productivity. Instead, try to take some time away from work to recharge once in a while.