The price of success in today’s world: Start with your kids
What is success measured by today?
What are the things we think make us successful in life? What do we identify success with? Who and what examples do we follow? We have plenty of images in our minds of the projected measure of success by certain individuals and society, and we tend to cling to them. Even though many times, these cravings can be the foundation of our anxiety. Moreover, if we pursue our goals for love or respect, we won’t be fulfilled, as it is rather about your performance, than respecting the individual. And by clinging to the standards, we push away our own needs.
Therefore, in today’s world, the best way to build something successful on your own, if you turn inward, and find your best skills and talents to offer to society, instead of copying what others do, or the standard norms of the world. Not only can you realize your call like this, but people also look up to these positively quirky and free-spirited individuals. Others can sense they aren’t easily influenced and are strong and free enough to hustle their way alone to create success. And what makes them achieve their aims is their ways to compete uniquely, out of the box.
So how could you encourage your kids to live an authentic life, and thus, achieve this kind of success? By raising and motivating them to stay true to their inner being, besides their daily tasks. To raise them to become happy and healthy adults instead of being top students all the time, performing like machines, and getting accepted into Ivy League schools. Happiness doesn’t come from these things, but your kids can also achieve it by staying true to themselves. Our education system applies a one-size-fits-all approach mostly, which doesn’t inspire our kids’ creativity to flourish.
Who gets the best education and its benefits?
Experience shows that those kids can study further at the best schools, where parents can afford its financial consequences, including employing private teachers to support their children’s advancement, or if they are exceptionally talented or knowledgable at something. If the parents have the means to provide quality schooling for their offspring, they can find a decent institution that will be willing to accept them. And such private schools come with the invaluable benefit of precious peer networks, quality education, learning languages, and getting internships abroad.
How to secure the future success of the following generations
We can safely say that everything in life comes down to self-awareness. This is your foundation to build your conscious and confident journey on, and so is your children’s. Knowing yourself will also provide you the necessary persistence to go for your goals. Our children have too many unnecessary school lessons. We should replace these lessons with ones that look after our kids’ mental health, wellbeing through self-awareness games. If we had children with more self-knowledge, they would have more clarity about each other’s lives and would understand why they should not bully underprivileged kids or those with physical or mental disabilities.
Moreover, we should strive to create different systems to assess and evaluate our kids’ skills and talents. To find role models among kids not only based on sports or educational achievement but look for each child’s specific strength holistically. Our system has starved the adults of the world today of these. Why don’t we start creating a better world today by looking at our children in their entirety? If you can, you should opt for a special school. But if not, you should strive to do your best to educate them this way, looking at your kids’ unique strengths.
What could help teachers to better raise our kids
In our current times, the pandemic and the world’s difficulties don’t make it easier for teachers or parents to raise kids. The sources and levels of stress have multiplied recently, and add to that the isolation factor both for children and parents. What could be helpful? If teachers could attend discussion groups and sessions, where they could talk about their problems with children, and their difficulties with parents, with the help of a professional, if needed. But they also need help and education in being assertive as well. In classes, they should play as much as possible.
All subjects can be taught in a more relaxed way, so the kids move, laugh, and enjoy it more. Teachers could even do maths lessons for instance by saying, take up the shape of a geometric form. Besides this, if some parents agreed to give a lesson related to their profession, it could help tremendously in sharing knowledge, and getting an insight into the world of work.
How can the education system or fellow students help disadvantaged children become more successful and happier?
Disadvantaged children could greatly benefit from, and should be offered free education and help at school. In addition, a teacher also has a mother figure or father figure role. It would be very important to talk to kids in difficult situations when needed, listen to them, ask them questions, and guide them with support. Basic things they weren’t able to get, and missed out on. Even a good, caring teacher could make up for this loss in their lives.
And through self-knowledge and development games, we can also facilitate inclusion in the classroom. Sadly, some children can come from extremely aggressive families, where serious fights are normal and can happen daily. These kids often get dismissed from school because of their overly aggressive behavior. When this happens, the educational organization’s reaction is not normally supportive or helpful, to the contrary, they try to get rid of the troubled students as soon as they can.
What happens if you don’t accept a difficult child or discourage to continue his or her studies? It’s an easy answer, all these kids will have a lot of trouble integrating into society. So the teachers would also need special training on this matter, ensuring that their message is encouraging and supportive toward troubled students. And these changes must come from above, from the school management first. And the parents could educate their children to help the needy, for instance by offering their fruits or cakes for their expelled fellows first.
The motivation factor of our kids nowadays
You can hear it everywhere today that the youth isn’t motivated enough these days. Why? Because there is no certain and transparent path ahead of them. There are a bunch of very hard-working people, including professors, who earn very small wages, and at the same time, many people get rich without accomplishing something big or working hard for it. If you just look at the young generation growing up on social media, and becoming stars as YouTubers, doing things that require no knowledge, and having hundreds of thousands of followers. In comparison, if you add up all the years a professional puts into their profession to get as far as being highly skilled, it can be shocking to some people.
Who do you think is going to seem cooler for kids, a YouTuber who shows what he or she wears that day with hundreds of thousands of followers or people who have come a long way in their profession putting in many years of effort? As the current pattern goes and is getting stronger, unfortunately, the message for our kids on social media is that they don’t have to accomplish much to get great results.
What could be a piece of good advice for the growing generations, what values should they consider worthy to become truly successful
Today’s children live in the world of the internet, although it would be more important than ever that parents show them their path and life as much as possible. If they have parents who can walk their path well, talk to them about it as often as possible. If the parents’ life isn’t the best example, these kids should still talk a lot to their parents, and try to learn from their experiences and failures. We can learn from everything and anybody.
Most importantly, our children should stay authentic to themselves and their desires. Of course, they have to follow the rules somewhat, but they shouldn’t let these distract them from their dreams. It is a matter of self-awareness to know what they truly want, and what would make them happy to get up every morning energized, in the long run.
This is why a young person needs to get a taste of the world of work as soon as possible. For example, you could encourage your kids to spend some time each summer on a mini-practice, starting in high school, to make it easier for them to decide what they want.